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Fan club Depeche Mode.

02/02/2009 14:46
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Родилась идея создать на СЕТЯХ Фэн-клуб Depeche Mode.

Фэн-клуб Depeche Mode - это закрытое сообщество для тех, кто любит музыку Depeche Mode, обладает творческим потенциалом, дружескими связями и стремится развивать их, используя преимущества социальных сетей.
Последний раз участвовал в фэнслёте в Ида-Вирумаа в 2004 году в Карьямаа(на Чудском озере). Снимали базу отдыха на 3 дня. Если есть кто из участников тех событий, отзовитесь. Можно попробовать замутить снова.
П.С. У меня сохранились фото и видео(2004). Из сетян пока выразили желание присоединится только двое- Ёлка и я.

И чтобы с чего то начать, то пожалуй с маленькой предистории появления группы Depeche Mode.

В маленьком городке Бэзилдон, пригороде Лондона, жили двое ребят, которых звали Эндрю Флетчер (Andrew Fletcher) и Винс Кларк (Vince Clarke). В 1976 году они сформировали ансамбль "No Romance In China". В то же время Мартин Гор (Мartin Gore) был гитаристом в группе "Norman and the Worms"

В 1979 году Гор и Кларк стали играть вместе в дуэте "French Look", позже к ним присоеденился Флетчер, и группа сменила название на "Composition of Sound". Ребята играли на синтезаторе, гитаре и басс-гитаре. Кларк был вокалистом, но ему это не нравилось, и поэтому группа искала солиста. В 1980 году они спросили об этом Дэвида Гэхана (David Gahan), которого слышали поющим песню Дэвида Боуи "Heroes", и когда он согласился, они сменили инструменты на синтезаторы и название группы на Depeche Mode. Это название было взято из французского журнала, и переводится как "переменчивая мода" (журнал все ещё существует)

Их первой песней стала "Photographic", которую они с трудом, из-за отсутствия денег, записали на независимой компании. Но Дэниел Миллер (Daniel Miller) рассмотрел в музыке изюминку и группа подписала контракт с его звукозаписывающей студией Mute Records. Они выпустили первый сингл "Dreaming Of Me" в феврале 1981. Сингл стал лишь 57-м по объемам продаж в Англии, а их следующий сингл "New Life" не достиг и этого, но третий "Just Can't Get Enough" вошел в первую десятку! Затем они выпустили свой дебютный альбом "Speak & Spell", альбом со счасливым и очень наивным синти-попом. Кларк писал все песни, исключая две, написанные Гором, и поэтому фаны были поражены, когда он решил уйти из Depeche Mode вскоре после выхода альбома. Ему не нравились разъезды и он более не чувствовал себя комфортно в группе. (О том, какого развития DM счастливо избежал с уходом Кларка, мы можем судить по его "творчеству" в дуэте Erasure). Шок не был очень большим для остальных членов DM. Гор стал писать песни и они втроем выпустили новый сингл "See You" в январе 1982

Ребята дали обявления о поиске нового члена, что-то типа: "Требуется игрок на синтезаторе, не старше 21 года". Алану Уайлдеру (Alan Wilder) было 22 когда он прочитал это, но он все равно ответил ему была нужна работа. Он играл с группой во время их тура "See You", но все еще не был действительным членом группы. Он не был приглашен также на запись второго альбома Depeche Mode "A Broken Frame". Но когда в 1983 году был выпущен сингл "Get The Balance Right" Алан уже играл с группой в студии и теперь считался полноправным членом Depeche Mode. Он написал две песни к их третьему альбому "Construction Time Again" и одну песню к четвертому "Some Great Reward". Прекрасные мелодии Гора, обработанные Флетчером и Уайлдером, и исполненные Гааном, сделали группу чрезвычайно популярной в Англии, а синглы "Everything Counts", "People Are People" и "Master And Servant" вывели музыкантов на мировую арену

В 1986 году группа выпустила альбом "Black Celebration", наполненный совершенно новым смыcлом и звучанием, и с этого момента началась история настоящего DEPECHE MODE

Альбом 1987 года "Music For The Masses" продолжил новые веяния. Вскоре после выхола этого альбома они стали снова играть на гитарах. Теперь они были очень популярны и в США, где дали умопомрачительные по качеству и размаху концерты. Один из них был записан и вышел как концертный альбом 101. Позже в том же году они выпустили сингл "Personal Jesus", где звучание гитары преобладает

В 1990 году вышел альбом "Violator" вершина творчества Depeche Mode. В альбоме "Songs Of Faith And Devotion" 1993 года группа использовала совершенно новое для себя направление музыки смесь фанка и госпела с роком, чем привела в недоумение многих поклонников группы со стажем

После четырехлетнего перерыва DM выпускает новый сингл "Barrel Of A Gun", но уже опять втроем летом 1995 года группу оставил Алан Уайлдер

7 апреля 1997 года вышел долгожданный альбом "Ultra", вобравший в себя весь накопленный опыт и профессионализм музыкантов. Альбом ни на что не похож, но это только еще раз подчеркивает многогранность творчества DM

В 2001 году у группы появился пока последний альбом "Exciter", принесший несколько удачных синглов. После этого альбома Дэвид Гэхан и Мартин Гор изъявили желание сделать сольные работы. Также была выпущена антология двадцатилетнего творчеста DM "The Singles 1981-2001", и издан на DVD концерт группы в Париже, в рамках мирового турне в поддержку нового альбома, "One Night In Paris"

В 2004 году группы выпускает 3-х дисковый сборник ремейков "Remixes 81...04" и заглавный сингл "Enjoy The Silence 2004", над которым постарался Mike Shinoda из Linkin Park

В 2005 году после 4-х летнего перерыва студийных работ группы выпускает альбом - "Playing the Angel" и отправляется в длительное турне по всему миру! Альбом имеет явно электронное звучание и вновь поднимает группу на высоты мировых хит-парадов. После тура выходит DVD - "Live In Milan". 3 и 4 марта 2006 года группа выступила в Москве и Питере

В 2006 году группа подумала и выпустила альбом "The Best vol.1" (видимо грядёт и vol.2!). В этот альбом вошли лучшие песни Depeche Mode с 81 года и клипы на них, а также заглавная песня - "Martyr", которая изначально была написана для "Playing The Angel"...

В 2008 году в Санта-Барбаре группа собралась для записи нового альбома, который собирались представить в концертном турне "Tour of the Universe" весной 2009 года...

И последние новости:

К сожалению, отменены ещё три выступления концертного турне "Tour of the Universe":

23 мая - Варшава (Польша, Gwardia Stadium)
25 мая - Рига (Латвия, Skonto Stadium)
27 мая - Вильнюс (Литва, Zalgiris Stadium)

Доктора рекомендуют Дэйву полностью восстановиться после его болезни во избежании рецидивов и осложнений

Группа возобновит турне как только это будет возможно - предположительно, с Лондона. Ранее купленные билеты рекомендуется сохранить, так как отменённые концерты будут перенесены на время сентябрьских "каникул" группы - между европейской и американской частями турне.

Ссылки на наиболее примечательные официальные сайты:

Depeche Mode

Веб-сайт Дэйва Гэхана

Веб-сайт Мартина Гора

Прикрепить файл:

jpg  splash-home DM.jpg (64.44 KB)
26009_4a1bffb9b6a39.jpg 480X333 px

jpg  band Depeche Mode.jpg (22.19 KB)
26009_4a1c031805db4.jpg 157X204 px

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 17:42

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

19/06/2005 13:52
Из: Narva
Сообщений: 0
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Сейчас придет Елка и выложит 500 гигабайт музыки и видео с Депешами в эту тему

И почему в Нарве нет фанклуба Милен Фармер?

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 17:45
Все проходит. Пройдет и это.
ничто не проходит.

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

02/02/2009 14:46
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"И почему в Нарве нет фанклуба Милен Фармер? "

Милена, эти притензии уже плиззз, не к нам! Назначаем тебя главной в теме с Фармер, а сюда только фанаты Депеша! Так что присоединяйся лучше к нам- нас пока больше!

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 17:53

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

02/02/2009 14:46
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Спешиал фор Ёлкин. Твоя любимая тема


И даже текст тебе нашёл(чтобы для полного счастья)!

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong technique

There's something wrong with me
Something wrong with me
The wrong mix in the wrong genes
I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
It was the wrong plan
In the wrong hands
With the wrong theory for the wrong man
The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
The wrong questions with the wrong replies

I was marching to the wrong drum
With the wrong scum
Pissing out the wrong energy
Using all the wrong lines
And the wrong signs
With the wrong intensity
I was on the wrong page of the wrong book
With the wrong rendition of the wrong hook
Made the wrong move, every wrong night
With the wrong tune played till it sounded right yeah

Too long

I was born with the wrong sign
In the wrong house
With the wrong ascendancy
I took the wrong road
That led to the wrong tendencies
I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
On the wrong day of the wrong week
I used the wrong method with the wrong technique

Прикрепить файл:

jpg  a1e2453f1ba45993495e072657387cc4_small.jpg (49.54 KB)
26009_4a1c053834c1b.jpg 499X664 px

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 18:05

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

16/05/2007 14:02
Из: Питер-Нарва
Сообщений: 0
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Бой! Респектище!

Сейчас придет Елка и выложит 500 гигабайт музыки и видео с Депешами в эту тему

я уже пришла
Ну что, Бой, долбанем по ресурсу Депешем

нус приступим:

а от этой вещи просто мурашки по коже: (из любимых)

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 18:28
Жизнь нам даётся один раз, и её надо прожить так, чтобы там наверху АФИГЕЛИ и сказали : а ну-ка повтори!!! :)

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

16/05/2007 14:02
Из: Питер-Нарва
Сообщений: 0
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интересно, а что у него в плеере за музон?

транспортное средство:

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 18:43
Жизнь нам даётся один раз, и её надо прожить так, чтобы там наверху АФИГЕЛИ и сказали : а ну-ка повтори!!! :)

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

02/02/2009 14:46
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Привет, Ёлкин, уходил ненадолго. Какой говоришь у него музон? Дай попробую угадать...МожА ентот?


кстати-ничего такой вариант, интересный...

и опять же текс (для тебя)

Enjoy The Silence
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted...

Enjoy the silence

Или вот эту



Personal Jesus
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer

Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver

Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith

Your own personal Jesus...

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver

Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus...
Reach out and touch faith


А теперь твоя самая любимая(от которой мурашки...)

In Your Room
In your room
Where time stands still
Or moves at your will
Will you let the morning come soon
Or will you leave me lying here
In your favourite darkness
Your favourite half-light
Your favourite consciousness
Your favourite slave

In your room
Where souls disappear
Only you exist here
Will you lead me to your armchair
Or leave me lying here
Your favourite innocence
Your favourite prize
Your favourite smile
Your favourite slave

I'm hanging on your words
living on your breath
Feeling with your skin
Will I always be here

In your room
Your burning eyes
Cause flames to arise
Will you let the fire die down soon
Or will I always be here
Your favourite passion
Your favourite game
Your favourite mirror
Your favourite slave

I'm hanging on your words...

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 18:48

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

16/05/2007 14:02
Из: Питер-Нарва
Сообщений: 0
Не в сети
Не, я думаю он слушает Милен Фармер

вот ещё вариант

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 18:50
Жизнь нам даётся один раз, и её надо прожить так, чтобы там наверху АФИГЕЛИ и сказали : а ну-ка повтори!!! :)

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

16/05/2007 14:02
Из: Питер-Нарва
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В продажу поступили билеты на Питерский концерт DEPECHE MODE: О4.02.2010

Входные - 1500руб.
Fan-zone - 6000руб.
С местами - 1500 - 10000руб.
VIP-столики (выкупаются целиком) - 15000руб. за одно место.

подробная информация ЗДЕСЬ

Бой! Спасибо за тексты и клипы

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 19:02
Жизнь нам даётся один раз, и её надо прожить так, чтобы там наверху АФИГЕЛИ и сказали : а ну-ка повтори!!! :)

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

02/02/2009 14:46
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Извиняюсь, был на ютубе... А что с твоими Рижскими билетами, сдала?

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 19:11

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

16/05/2007 14:02
Из: Питер-Нарва
Сообщений: 0
Не в сети
Маша! А эта инфа для тебя

концерт В Питере Милен Фармер 28.06.09

А что с твоими Рижскими билетами, сдала?

не а, после первого июня должны позвонить и сообщить, когда можно вернуть, у нас посложнее, мы заказывали не только билеты, а тур на три дня на концерт в Ригу. И пролетели...

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 19:12
Жизнь нам даётся один раз, и её надо прожить так, чтобы там наверху АФИГЕЛИ и сказали : а ну-ка повтори!!! :)

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

02/02/2009 14:46
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Ёлка, я тебе тут списочек самых известных текстов составил(ну чтобы по одной не дёргать), чтобы к 4 февраля выучила наизусть! Я проверю

And Then...
Let's take a map of the world
Tear it into pieces
All of the boys and the girls
Will see how easy it is

To put it all down and start again
From the top to the bottom and then
I'll have faith, or I prefer
To think that things couldn't turn out worse

All that we need at the start's
Universal revolution (that's all)
And if we trust in our hearts
We'll find the solutions

To put it all down and start again...

Took a plane across the world
Got in a car
And when I reached my destination
I hadn't gone far

Let's take the whole of the world
The mountains and the sand
Let all the boys and the girls
Shape it in their hands

To put it all down and start again...

Any Second Now (voices)
She remembered all the shadows
And the doubts
The same film
Vivid pictures like a wall
That's standing empty
And the night so still
Such a small affair, a relapse
Someone closing like a night club door
Here again and when you speak
I watch you move away and seem so sure

She is hoping to forget
And the moment almost sleeps away
When the colours move apart
And I wonder if you want to stay
And I need to change you
Like the words I'm reading
Don't you understand
This is warning
And the message I remember
As you touch my hand

A Photograph Of You
What good is a photograph of you?
Every time I look at it
It makes me feel blue!

What use is a souvenir
Of something we once had
When all it ever does is
Make me feel bad!

I wish I could tear it up
But then again I haven't the guts!
I wish I could throw it on the fire
I wish I could
But to say I would
I'd be a liar!

What good is a color print
Of a little baby doll?
When just one little glance
Is enough to make me feel dull!

I hoped I would misplace it
But then I take such good care of it
I wish it would disappear
I say I wish
But then I relish
It being here!

Feel blue

A Question Of Lust
Like a baby in your arms
Be gentle with me
I'd never willingly
Do you harm

Are all you seem to get from me
But just like a child
You make me smile
When you care for me
And you know...

It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up
Crumble to dust
It is all of these things and more
That keep us together

Is still important for us though (we realise)
It's easy to make
The stupid mistake
Of letting go (do you know what I mean)

My weaknesses
You know each and every one (it frightens me)
But I need to drink
More than you seem to think
Before I'm anyone's
And you know...

It's a question of lust...

Kiss me goodbye
When I'm on my own
But you know that I'd
Rather be home

It's a question of lust...

A Question Of Time
I've got to get to you first
Before they do
It's just a question of time
Before they lay their hands on you
And make you just like the rest
I've got to get to you first
It's just a question of time

Well now you're only fifteen
And you look good
I'll take you under my wing
Somebody should
They've persuasive ways
And you'll believe what they say

It's just a question of time
It's running out for you
It won't be long until you'll do
Exactly what they want you to

I can see them now
Hanging around
To mess you up
To strip you down
And have their fun
With my little one

It's just a question of time...

Sometimes I don't blame them
For wanting you
You look good
And they need something to do
Until I look at you
And then I condemn them
I know my kind What goes on in our minds

It's just a question of time
It should be better
It's just a question of time
It should be better with you
It's just a question of time

Barrel Of A Gun
Do you mean this horny creep
Set upon weary feet
Who looks in need of sleep
That doesn't come
This twisted, tortured mess
This bed of sinfulness
Who's longing for some rest
And feeling numb

What do you expect of me
What is it you want
Whatever you've planned for me
I'm not the one

A vicious appetite
Visits me each night
And won't be satisfied
Won't be denied
An unbearable pain
A beating in my brain
That leaves the mark of cain
Right here inside

What am I supposed to do
When everything that I've done
Is leading me to conclude
I'm not the one

Whatever I've done
I've been staring down the barrel of a gun

Is there something you need from me
Are you having your fun
I never agreed to be
Your holy one

Whatever I've done
I've been staring down the barrel of a gun

Behind The Wheel
My little girl
Drive anywhere
Do what you want
I don't care
I'm in the hands of fate
I hand myself
Over on a plate

Oh little girl
There are times when I feel
I'd rather not be
The one behind the wheel
Pull my strings
Watch me move
I do anything

Sweet little girl
I prefer
You behind the wheel
And me the passenger
I'm yours to keep
Do what you want
I'm going cheap

You're behind the wheel, tonight

Black Celebration
Let's have a black celebration
Black celebration

To celebrate the fact
That we've seen the back
Of another black day

I look to you
How you carry on
When all hope is gone
Can't you see

Your optimistic eyes
Seem like paradise
To someone like me

I want to take you
In my arms
Forgetting all I couldn't do today

Black celebration
Black celebration

To celebrate the fact...

I look to you
And your strong belief
Me, I want relief

I want so much
Want to feel your touch

Take me in your arms
Forgetting all you couldn't do today

Black celebration
Black celebration
I'll drink to that
Black celebration

Blasphemous Rumours
Girl of sixteen
Whole life ahead of her
Slashed her wrists
Bored with life
Didn't succeed
Thank the Lord
For small mercies

Fighting back the tears
Mother reads the note again
Sixteen candles burn in her mind
She takes the blame
It's always the same
She goes down on her knees and prays

I don't want to start any blasphemous rumours
But I think that God's
Got a sick sense of humor
And when I die
I expect to find
Him laughing

Girl of eighteen
Fell in love with everything
Found new life
In Jesus Christ
Hit by a car
Ended up
On a life support machine

Summer's day
As she passed away
Birds were singing
In the summer sky
Then came the rain
And once again
A tear fell
From her mother's eye

I don't want to start...

Blue Dress
Put it on
And don't say a word
Put it on
The one that I prefer
Put it on
And stand before my eyes
Put it on
Please don't question why

Can you believe
Something so simple
Something so trivial
Makes me a happy man
Can't you understand

Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me
Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn

Put it on
I can feel so much
Put it on
I don't need to touch
Put it on
Here before my eyes
Put it on
Because you realise

And you believe
Something so worthless
Serves a purpose
It makes me a happy man
Can't you understand
Say you believe
Just how easy
It is to please me
Because when you learn
You'll know what makes the world turn

Boys Say Go!
You don't understand, this is in demand
And I think that I have to show you
Try to look inside, take me for a ride
In a day and a night get to know you

Boys meet boys, get together
Boys meet boys, live forever
Don't say no, boys say go

I could run away if you need to stay
In the rain and the pain and the sorrow
I'm not very sure when you place it all
In the end it's the same as tomorrow

I heard a rumour
They travel far
You know what it's like
The way people are
They talk and they talk
Though they don't understand
They'll whisper and whisper
And lie on demand
Please tell me now
I want to know
I have to hear it from your lips
Say it's not so

I heard it on Monday
And I laughed a while
I heard it on Tuesday
I managed to smile
I heard it on Wednesday
My patience was tried
I heard it on Thursday
And I hurt inside
I want to know
The depths of your mind
Tell me this whole thing is madness
And we're doing fine
Put your little hand in mine
And believe in love
Put your head on my chest
And breathe love
Breathe love
Breathe love
Breathe love

I heard it from Peter
Who heard it from Paul
Who heard it from someone
I don't know at all
I heard it from Mary
Who heard it from Ruth
Who swore on the bible
She's telling the truth
I heard it from Simon
Who heard it from James
Confirming with Sarah
That I was to blame
I heard it from Joseph
Who heard it from John
Who said with conviction
That all hope was gone
So I need to know
Your alibis
I need to hear that you love me
Before you say goodbye
Before you say goodbye
Before you say goodbye
Before you say goodbye

The cleanest I've been
An end to the tears
And the in-between years
And the troubles I've seen
Now that I'm clean
You know what I mean
I've broken my fall
Put an end to it all
I've changed my routine
Now I'm clean

I don't understand
What destiny's planned
I'm starting to grasp
What is in my own hands
I don't claim to know
Where my holiness goes
I just know that I like
What is starting to show


As years go by
All the feelings inside
Twist and they turn
As they ride with the tide
I don't advise
And I don't criticise
I just know what I like
With my own eyes


Comatose, almost
You've got me dreaming
Slipping in
And Sliding out
Of conscious feeling

Take a light
Start the flame
Play the game
I am lost
In your eyes
Here I believe
Dreams never deceive

Comatose, almost
You've got me dreaming
Slipping in
And sliding out
Life has no meaning

Bodies move
Colours change
Girl you're strange
Here inside
I'm at home
I'm alive

Don't be afraid
I'm floating away

Comatose, almost
You've got me dreaming
Slipping in
And sliding out
Of conscious feeling

Comatose, almost

Comatose, almost


Come Back
Come back Come back to me
I've been waiting here patiently

I've been walking a thin white line
Between love and hate
I could use a lil company
A lil kindness to go a long way

Weeks turn into months
Months turn into years
Reaching the same conclusions
Gathering up the fear

Come back Come back to me
I've been waiting here patiently

I've been walking a thin white line
Between love and hate
I could use a lil company
A lil kindness to go a long way

Weeks turn into months
Months turn into years
Reaching the same conclusions
Gathering up the fear

Come back Come back to me
I've been waiting here patiently

Come back Come back to me

Here on the stand
With the book in my hand
And truth on my side

Hand me my sentence
I'll show no repentance
I'll suffer with pride

If for honesty
You want apologies
I don't sympathize
If for kindness
You substitute blindness
Please open your eyes

Because my duty
Was always to beauty
And that was my crime

Feel elation
To know I can trust this
Fix of injustice
Time after time

If you see purity
As immaturity
Well it's no surprise
If for kindness
You substitute blindness
Please open your eyes

I could corrupt you in a heartbeat
You think you're so special
Think you're so sweet
Wanna try it
Don't even tempt me
Soon you'll be crying
I wish you'd trapped me

You'll be calling out my name
When you need someone to blame

I could corrupt you it will be easy
Watching you suffer
Girl, it will please me
I wanna touch you
With my little finger
I know it will crush you
My memory would linger

You'll be crying all in pain
Begging me to play my games

I could corrupt you it would be ugly
They could sedate you
But what could the drugs be?
But I wouldn't touch you
My hands on your hips
It would be too much to
Place my lips on your lips

You'll be calling all my names
Begging me to play my games

Death's Door
Well I'm knocking on Death's door
Will I take my rest
Among the blessed?

Mother are you waiting?
Father are you pacing?
I'm coming home

I'm knocking on Death's door
Will I take my rest
In my sunday best?

Mother are you anxious?
Father are you gracious?
I'm coming home

I've been away too long
For so long it was strong
I've been away too long
I know that it was wrong
But I'm coming home

Well I'm knocking on Death's door
Will I take my rest?
Have I passed the test?

Mother are you praying?
Father I'm saying
I'm coming home

Dream On
As you're bony fingers close around me
Long and spindly
Death becomes me
Heaven can you see what I see

Hey you pale and sickly child
You're death and living reconciled
Been walking home a crooked mile

Paying debt to karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving

There's no time for hesitating
Pain is ready, pain is waiting
Primed to do it's educating

Unwanted, uninvited kin
It creeps beneath your crawling skin
It lives without it lives within you

Feel the fever coming
You're shaking and twitching
You can scratch all over
But that won't stop you itching

Can you feel a little love
Can you feel a little love

Dream on dream on

Blame it on your karmic curse
Oh shame upon the universe
It knows its lines
It's well rehearsed

It sucked you in, it dragged you down
To where there is no hallowed ground
Where holiness is never found

Paying debt to karma
You party for a living
What you take won't kill you
But careful what you're giving

Can you feel a little love
Can you feel a little love

Dream on dream on

Dressed In Black
She's dressed in black again
And I'm falling down again
Down to the floor again
I'm begging for more again
But oh what can you do
When she's dressed in black

My mind wanders endlessly
On paths where she's leading me
With games that she likes to play
And words that she doesn't say
Not when we are along
And she is dressed in black

As a picture of herself
She's a picture of the world
A reflection of you
A reflection of me
And it's all there to see
If you only give in
To the fire within

Dressed in black again

Shadows fall on to me
As she stands there over me
And waits to encompass me
I lay here helplessly
But oh what can you do
When she's dressed in black

Dressed in black again...

Enjoy The Silence
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can't you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted...

Enjoy the silence

Everything Counts
The handshake seals the contract
From the contract there's no turning back
The turning point of a career
In Korea being insincere
The holiday Was fun-packed
The contract still intact

The grabbing hands grab all they can
All for themselves - after all
The grabbing hands grab all they can
All for themselves - after all
It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts

The graph on the wall
Tells the story of it all
Picture it now
See just how
The lies and deceit gained a little
More power
Confidence - taken in
By a suntan and a grin

The grabbing hands grab all they can...

Everything counts in large amounts

Fly On The Windscreen-Final
Death is everywhere
There are flies on the windscreen
For a start
Reminding us
We could be torn apart

Death is everywhere
There are lambs for the slaughter
Waiting to die
And I can sense
The hours slipping by

Come here
Kiss me now
Come here
Kiss me now

Death is everywhere
The more I look
The more I see
The more I feel
A sense of urgency

Come here
Touch me
Kiss me
Touch me now
Touch me
Touch me

There are flies on the windscreen
There are lambs for the slaughter
There are flies on the windscreen

Come here
Touch me
Kiss me
Touch me now
Touch me

Fragile Tension
There is a fragile tension,
that's keeping us going.
It may not last forever,
but allways flowing.
It's something magical in the air,
something's so tragic we have to care.

There's a strange obsession,
it's drawing us nearer.
We don't understand it,
it never get's clearer.
It's something mystical in our dreams,
it's so simplistic it kicks and screams.

All we will seem to reek on the edge of collapse
Nothing can keep us down,
nothing can beat us down.

There's a dizzying felling,
that's keeping us flying,
without even trying,
we're not even trying.
It's something radical in our heads,
nothing logical to our plans.

If you've been hiding from love
If you've been hiding from love
I can understand where you're coming from
I can understand where you're coming from

If you've suffered enough
If you've suffered enough
I can understand what you're thinking of
I can see the pain that you're frightened of

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

I've been running like you
I've been running like you
Now you understand why I'm running scared
Now you understand why I'm running scared

I've been searching for truth
I've been searching for truth
And I haven't been getting anywhere
No I haven't been getting anywhere

And I'm only here
To bring you free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

Hey girl
You've got to take this moment
Then let it slip away
Let go of complicated feelings
Then there's no price to pay

We've been running from love
We've been running from love
And we don't know what we're doing here
No we don't know what we're doing here

We're only here
Sharing our free love
Let's make it clear
That this is free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love
No hidden catch
No strings attached
Just free love

I can hear your soul crying
Listen to your spirit sighing
I can feel your desperation
Emotional depravation

Let yourself go
Let yourself go
Let your feelings show

Picking up the conversations
Deep in your imagination
Tune in to the lonely voices
Talking of their only choices

Let yourself go
Let yourself go
Let your spirit grow

Step out of your cage and onto the stage
It's time to start playing your part
Freedom awaits
Open the gates
Open your mind
Freedom's a state

I can taste the tears falling
A victim that's inside you calling
Yearning for a liberation
Emotional emancipation

Let yourself go
Let yourself go
Let your senses overflow

Step out of your cage and onto the stage
It's time to start playing your part
Freedom awaits
Open the gates
Open your mind
Freedom's a state

Get Right With Me
I will have faith in man
That is hard to understand
Show some humility
You have the ability
Get right with me

Friends, if you've lost your way
You will find it again some day
Come down from your pedestals
And open your mouths that's all
Get right with me

Life is such a short thing
That I cannot comprehend
But if this life were a bought thing
There are ways I know we'd mend

People, take my advice
Already told you once, once or twice
Don't waste your energy
Making apologies
Get right with me

Goodnight Lovers
Here, somewhere in the heart of me
There is still a part of me
That cares

And I'll, I'll still take the best you've got
Even though I'm sure it's not
The best for me

When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters
And soul brothers

I, I can see the danger signs
They only help to underline
Your beauty

I'm not looking for an easy ride
True happiness cannot be tried
So easily

When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters
And soul brothers

Like all soul sisters
And soul brothers

You can take your time
I'll be waiting in line
You don't even have to give me
The time of day

When you're born a lover
You're born to suffer
Like all soul sisters
And soul brothers

Like all soul sisters
And soul brothers

You wear guilt
Like shackles on your feet
Like a halo in reverse
I can feel
The discomfort in your seat
And in your head it's worse

There's a pain
A famine in your heart
An aching to be free
Can't you see
All love's luxuries
Are here for you and me

And when our worlds they fall apart
When the walls come tumbling in
Though we may deserve it
It will be worth it

Bring your chains
Your lips of tragedy
And fall into my arms

And when our worlds they fall apart...

Here Is The House
Here is the house
Where it all happens
Those tender moments
Under this roof
Body and soul come together
As we come closer together
And is it happens
It happens here in this house

And I feel your warmth
And it feels like home
And there's someone
Calling on the telephone
Let's stay home
It's cold outside
And I have so much
To confide to you

With or without words
I'll confide everything

Here is the house...

So we stay at home
And I'm by your side
And you know
What's going on inside
Inside my heart
Inside this house
And I just want to
Let it out for you

And I feel your warmth
And it feels like home
And I feel your warmth
And it feels like home

Here is the house...

Higher Love
I can taste more than feel
This burning inside is so real
I can almost lay my hands upon
The warm glow that lingers on

Moved, lifted higher
Moved, my soul's on fire
Moved, by a higher love

I surrender all control
To the desire that consumes me whole
And leads me by the hand to infinity
That lies in wait at the heart of me

Heaven bounds on the wings of love
There's so much that you can rise above

I surrender heart and soul
Sacrificed to a higher goal

Hole to Feed
We are here
We can love
We share something
I'm sure
That you mean the world to me
When you get
What you need
It's no way of knowing
What you'll get
Is another hole to feed

Your name was the one that was always chosen
Your words and the kindness that set me free
Words can leave you broken inside
You'll have to decide
I'm hanging onto my pride

We are here
We can love
We share something
I'm sure
That you mean the world to me
The shame as a hole that has kept us frozen
You open my eyes to the world I could believe

This world has left me broken inside
I'll have to decide
I'm hanging onto my pride
Words can leave you broken inside
You'll have to decide
I'm hanging onto my pride

Here is a song
From the wrong side of town
Where I'm bound
To the ground
By the loneliest sound
That pounds from within
And is pinning me down

Here is a page
From the emptiest stage
A cage or the heaviest cross ever made
A gauge of the deadliest trap ever laid

And I thank you
From bringing me here
For showing me home
For singing these tears
Finally I've found
That I belong here

The heat and the sickliest
Sweet smelling sheets
That cling to the backs of my knees
And my feet
I'm drowning in time
To a desperate beat

And I thank you...

Feels like home
I should have known
From my first breath

God send the only true friend
I call mine
Pretend that I'll make amends
The next time
Befriend the glorious end of the line

And I thank you...

I Am You
You have bound my heart with subtle chains
So much pleasure that it feels like pain
So entwined now that we can't shake free
I am you and you are me

No escaping from the mess we're in
So much pleasure that it must be sin
I must live with this reality
I am yours eternally

There's no turning back
We're in this trap
No denying the facts
No, no, no
No excuses to give
I'm the one you're with
We've no alternative
No, no, no

Dark obsession in the name of love
This addiction that we're both part of
Leads us deeper into mystery
Keeps us craving endlessly

Strange compulsions that I can't control
Pure possession of my heart and soul
I must live with this reality

I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me
I am you and you are me

There's no turning back
We're in this trap
No denying the facts
No, no, no
No excuses to give
I'm the one you're with
We've no alternative
No, no, no

If You Want
Working week's come to its end
Party time is here again
Everyone can come if they want to
If you want to be with me
If you want to be with me
You can come with me if you want to

Exercise your basic right
We could build a building site
From the bricks of shame is built the hope
If you want to be with me
If you want to be with me
Even though you may still not want to

Let tomorrow and today
Bring a life of ecstasy
Wipe away your tears of confusion
If you want to be with me
If you want to be with me
You can come with me if you want to
Even though you may still not want to

I Feel Loved
It's the dark night of my soul
And temptation's taking hold
But through the pain and the suffering
Through the heartache and trembling

I feel loved
I feel loved

As the darkness closes in
In my head I hear whispering
Questioning and beckoning
But I'm not taken in

I feel loved
I feel loved

From the depths of my emptiness
Comes a feeling of inner bliss
I feel wanted, I feel desired
I can feel my soul on fire

I feel loved
I feel loved

I Feel You
I feel you
Your sun it shines
I feel you
Within my mind
You take me there
You take me where
The kingdom comes
You take me to
And lead me through Babylon

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your heart it sings
I feel you
The joy it brings
Where heaven waits
Those golden gates
And back again
You take me to
And lead me through oblivion

This is the morning of our love
It's just the dawning of our love

I feel you
Your precious soul
I feel you
And I am whole
I feel you
Your rising sun
My kingdom comes

I feel you
Each move you make
I feel you
Each breath you take
Where angels sing
And spread their wings
My love's on high
You take me home
To glory's throne
By and by

This is the morning of our love

In Chains
The way you move
Has got me yearning
The way you move
Has left me burning

I know you know what you're doing to me
I know my hands will never be free
I know what it's like to be in chains

The way you move
Is meant to hold me
The way you move
To attempt to insult me

I know you knew on the day you were born
I know somehow I shouldn't be warned
I know I walk every midnight to dark in chains

In chains I'm in chains
In chains I'm in chains

You've got me dying for you
It's you that I'm living through
You've got me praying to you
Saying to you anything you want me to
You've got me reaching for you
My soul's beseeching me too
You've got me singing to you
Bringing to you anything you ask me to

The way you move
It's mesmerizing
The way you move
It's hypnotizing

I know I crumble when you are around
Start to mumble a bit of false sound
Straggle stumble shackled and bound in chains

In chains I'm in chains
In chains I'm in chains

You've got me dying for you
It's you that I'm living through
You've got me praying to you
Saying to you anything you want me to
You've got me reaching for you
My soul's beseeching me too
You've got me singing to you
Bringing to you anything you ask me to

I'm in chains In chains
I'm in chains In chains

In Sympathy
They're almost falling over you
Why don't we call a truce
Whatever they are trying to do
It's of little use

They're drowning you in compliments
Trying to furnish proof
In all they speak with eloquence
There is little truth

You're bright, you're strong
You know your right from wrong
At least to some degree
You're wise, you're tuff
You've heard the lies enough
You smile in sympathy

I'm watching your serenity
The way your soul transcends
The tedious of sanities
Your patience never ends

And as the night begins to fade
You're heading for the door
You fall about separate
You're on your own once more

You're bright, you're strong
You know your right from wrong
At least to some degree
You're wise, you're tuff
You've heard the lies enough
You smile in sympathy

This is an insight
Into my life
This is a strange flight
I'm taking
My true will
Carries me along

This is a soul dance
Embracing me
This is the first chance
To put things right
Moving on
Guided by the light

And the spirit of love
Is rising within me
Talking to you now
Telling you clearly
The fire still burns

Wisdom of ages
Rush over me
Heighten my senses
Enlighten me
Lead me on

And the spirit of love...

I'm talking to you now
The fire still burns
Whatever you do now
You've got to give love
The world still turns

I'm talking to you now

In Your Room
In your room
Where time stands still
Or moves at your will
Will you let the morning come soon
Or will you leave me lying here
In your favourite darkness
Your favourite half-light
Your favourite consciousness
Your favourite slave

In your room
Where souls disappear
Only you exist here
Will you lead me to your armchair
Or leave me lying here
Your favourite innocence
Your favourite prize
Your favourite smile
Your favourite slave

I'm hanging on your words
living on your breath
Feeling with your skin
Will I always be here

In your room
Your burning eyes
Cause flames to arise
Will you let the fire die down soon
Or will I always be here
Your favourite passion
Your favourite game
Your favourite mirror
Your favourite slave

I'm hanging on your words...

It Doesn't Matter
I am happy
That I have you
Even though you're not here now
I know somewhere
You are dreaming
Though it's definitely not of me

It doesn't matter
If this all shatters
Nothing lasts forever
But I'm praying
That we're staying

I am warmed
By your friendship
Even when you're far away
And I'm happy
In the knowledge
We may never see the day

When I kiss you
And you kiss me
Don't pretend you miss me
The worst kind
Of diseased mind
Is one filled with jealousy

If we should meet again
Don't try to solve the puzzle
Just lay down next to me
And please don't move a muscle

I will thank you Most of all for
The respect you have for me
I'm embarrassed It overwhelms me
Because I don't deserve any

It doesn't matter...

It Doesn't Matter Two
As I lay here with you
The shame lies with us
We talk of love and trust
That doesn't matter
Though we may be the last in the world
We feel like pioneers
Telling hopes and fears
To one another
And oh what a feeling
Inside of me
It might last for an hour
Wounds aren't healing
Inside of me
Though it feel good now
I know it's only for now
The feeling is intense
You grip me with your eyes
And then I realise
It doesn't matter

It's No Good
I'm going to take my time
I have all the time in the world
To make you mine
It is written in the stars above
The gods decree
You'll be right here by my side
Right next to me
You can run, but you cannot hide

Don't say you want me
Don't say you need me
Don't say you love me
It's understood
Don't say you're happy
Out there without me
I know you can't be
'Cause it's no good

I'll be fine
I'll be waiting patiently
Till you see the signs
And come running to my open arms
When will you realise
Do we have to wait till our worlds collide
Open up your eyes
You can't turn back the tide

Don't say you want me...

I'm going to take my time
I have all the time in the world
To make you mine
It is written in the stars above

I Want You Now
I want you now
Tomorrow won't do
There's a yearning inside
And it's showing through
Reach out your hands
And accept my love
We've waited for too long
Enough is enough
I want you now

My heart is aching
My body is burning
My hands are shaking
My head is turning
Do you understand
It's so easy to choose
We've got time to kill
We've got nothing to lose
I want you now

And I don't mean to sound
Like one of the boys
That's not what I'm trying to do
I don't want to be
Like one of the boys
I just want you now

Because I've got a love
A love that won't wait
A love that is growing
And it's getting late
Do you know what it means
To be left this way
When everyone's gone
And the feelings they stay
I want you now

They call you Jezebel
Whenever we walk in
you're going straight to hell
For wanted acts of sin - they say,
and that I'll have to pay
But I need you just this way

They call you Jezebel
For what you like to wear
You're morally unwell
They say you never care for me
But what the fail to see is that your games are the key

Open their eyes to the beauty
Open their hearts to the fun
Open their minds to the idea that you don't own someone

They call you Jezebel
Whenever men walk by
They say that they can tell
The longing in your eyes is real
and how you really feel
But they can't see your appeal


Is simplicity the best
Or simply the easiest
The narrowest path
Is always the holiest
So walk on barefoot for me
Suffer some misery
If you want my love
If you want my love

Man will survive
The harshest conditions
And stay alive
Through difficult decisions
So make up your mind for me
Walk the line for me
If you want my love
If you want my love

Idle talk
And hollow promises
Cheating Judases
Doubting Thomases
Don't just stand there and shout it
Do something about it

You can fulfil
Your wildest ambitions
And I'm sure you will
Lose your inhibitions
So open yourself for me
Risk your health for me
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love
If you want my love

Just Can't Get Enough
When I'm with you baby
I go out of my head
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
All the things you do to me
And everything you said
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
We slip and slide as we fall in love
And I just can't seem to get enough

We walk together
We're walking down the street
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Everytime I think of you
I know we have to meet
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
It's getting hotter, it's a burning love
And I just can't seem to get enough

And when it rains
You're shining down to me
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
Just like a rainbow
You know you set me free
I just can't get enough
I just can't get enough
You're like an angel and you give me your love
And I just can't seem to get enough

Leave In Silence
I've told myself so many times before
But this time I think I mean it for sure
We have reached a full stop
Nothing's gonna save us from the big drop

Reached our natural conclusion
Outlived the illusion
I hate being in these situations
That call for diplomatic relations
If I only knew the answer
Or I thought we had a chance
Or I could stop this
I would stop this thing from spreading like a cancer

What can I say? I don't want to play anymore
What can I say? I'm heading for the door
I can't stand this emotional violence
Leave in silence

We've been running around in circles all year
Doing this and that in getting nowhere
This'll be the last time
I think I said that last time
If I only had a potion of
Some magical lotion
That could stop this, I would stop this
I would set the wheels in motion

What can I say? I don't want to play anymore
What can I say? I'm heading for the door
I can't stand this emotional violence
Leave in silence

Lie To Me
Come on and lay with me
Come on and lie to me
Tell me you love me
Say I'm the only one

Experiences have a lasting impression
But words once spoken
Don't mean a lot now
Belief is the way
The way of the innocent
And when I say innocent
I should say naive
So lie to me
But do it with sincerity
Make me listen
Just for a minute
Make me think
There's some truth in it

Promises made for convenience
Aren't necessarily
What we need
Truth is a word
That's lost its meaning
The truth has become
Merely half-truth
So lie to me
Like they do it in the factory
Make me think
That at the end of the day
Some great reward
Will be coming my way

Little 15
Little fifteen
You help her forget
The world outside
You're not part of it yet
And if you could drive
You could drive her away
To a happier place
To a happier day
That exists in your mind
And in your smile
She could escape there
Just for a while
Little fifteen

Little fifteen
Why take the smooth with the rough
When things run smooth
It's already more than enough
She knows your mind
Is not yet in league
With the rest of the world
And its little intrigues
Do you understand
Do you know what she means
As time goes by
And when you've seen what she's seen
You will
Little fifteen

Little fifteen
Why does she have to defend
Her feelings inside
Why pretend
She's not had a life
A life of near misses
Now all that she wants
Is three little wishes
She wants to see with your eyes
She wants to smile with your smile
She wants a nice surprise
Every once in a while
Little fifteen

Little Soul
My little light
Is going to shine
Shine out so bright
And illuminate your mind

My little soul
Will leave a footprint

This little voice
Is going to sing
I have no choice
It will infinitely ring

My little soul
Will leave a footprint

I'm channelling the universe
It's focusing its love inside of me
A singularity

My little words
Are going to sting
Haven't you heard
The pain and joy they bring

My little soul
Will leave a footprint

I'm channelling the universe
It's focusing its love inside of me
A singularity

Your little eyes
They're going to see
I can't disguise
The beauty inside me

My little soul
Will leave a footprint

Love In Itself
All of these insurmountable tasks
That lay before me
All of the firsts and the definite lasts
That lay in store for me

There was a time
When all on my mind was love
Now I find that most of the time
Love's not enough
In itself

I've a tendency to be unhappy
You see the thoughts in my head
All the words that were said
All the blues and the reds get to me

There was a time...

All of these absurdities
That lay before us
All of the doubts and the certainties
That lay in store for us

There was a time...

Master And Servant
It's a lot
It's a lot
Like life

There's a new game
We like to play you see
A game with added reality
You treat me like a dog
Get me down on my knees

We call it master and servant
We call it master and servant

It's a lot like life
This play between the sheets
With you on top and me underneath
Forget all about equality

Let's play master and servant
Let's play master and servant

It's a lot like life
And that's what's appealing
If you despise that throwaway feeling
From disposable fun
Then this is the one

Domination's the name of the game
In bed or in life
They're both just the same
Except in one you're fulfilled
At the end of the day

Let's play master and servant
Let's play master and servant

Let's play master and servant
Come on, master and servant

Mercy In You
You know what I need
When my heart bleeds
I suffer from greed
A longing to feed
On the mercy in you

I can't conceal
The way I'm healed
The pleasure I feel
When I have to deal
With the mercy in you

I would do it all again
Lose my way and fall again
Just so I could call again
On the mercy in you

When here in my mind
I feel inclined
To wrongly treat you unkind
I have faith I will find
The mercy in you

I would lose my way again
Be led hopelessly astray again
Just so I could pray again
For the mercy in you

When here in my mind
I have been blind
Emotionally behind
I have faith I will find
The mercy in you

Miles Away / The Truth Is
It's one of those conversations
We've we've had to devour

The ones that leave you empty
And wanting for more

You're eyes they tell me something
That I understand
You're eyes they hold the truth
And the truth is

You're miles away
You're miles away
You're miles away

Excuse me for my hesitation
Of I met you before
Your face seems so familiar
And belonging for more

You're eyes they tell me something
That I understand

You're eyes they hold the truth
And a truth is

You're miles away
You're miles away
You're miles away

With all your superstitions
And empty lines
I could be just like you
With drum but alive

Life we have with it's limitation
We all have our needs
Love to be the only answer
To lies and their trees

You're eyes they tell me something
That I understand
You're eyes they hold the truth
And a truth is

You're miles away
You're miles away
You're miles away

When the site was found
We laid the foundations down
It didn't take long before
They came back tumbling down
Don't build at night, you need a little light
How else you gonna see what it's gonna be like?

So we picked up our tools
And we worked in the morning light
With the last stone placed
Wasn't it a wonderful sight?
But it fell back down and scattered all around
Anything passes when you need glasses

My monument it fell down
My monument it fell down

Work all of my days for this kind of praise
It fell down

More Than A Party
Lots of surprises in store
This isn't a party it's a whole lot more
We've had enough of this blind man's bluff
You've kept us in the dark for long enough

This is more than a party
More than a party
More than a party

Keep telling us we're to have fun
Then take all the ice cream so we've got none
The failed magician waves his wand
And in an instant the laughter's gone

This is more than a party...

Lots of surprises in store
This isn't a party it's a whole lot more

More than a party

My Secret Garden
My secret garden's not so secret anymore
Run from the house holding my head in my hands
Feeling dejected, feeling like a child might feel
It all seems so absurd that this should have occurred
My very only secret and I had to go and leak it
My secret garden's not so secret anymore

No, my secret garden's not so secret anymore
Run through the fields down to the edge of the water
Can't stay long, here comes the reason why
She'll catch me if she can, take me by the hand
I'll have to keep on running and I just can't see the fun in
My secret garden not being secret anymore

It used to be so easy on days such as these she'd
Search and search for hours, in among the flowers
I loved it, I loved her
I loved it, I loved her
Play the fool, act so cruel, I loved it
Read a book, take a look, I loved her

It all seems so absurd that this should have occurred
My very only secret and I had to go and leak it
My secret garden's not so secret anymore

Never Let Me Down Again
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he's taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I'm taking a ride
With my best friend

We're flying high
We're watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground

I'm taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I'm as safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me down

See the stars they're shining bright
Everything's alright tonight

New Dress
Sex jibe husband murders wife
Bomb blast victim fights for life
Girl thirteen attacked with knife
Princess Di is wearing a new dress

Jet airliner shot from sky
Famine horror, millions die
Earthquake terror figures rise
Princes Di is wearing a new dress

You can't change the world
But you can change the facts
And when you change the facts
You change points of view
If you change points of view
You may change a vote
And when you change a vote
You may change the world

In black townships fires blaze
Prospects better premier says
Within sight are golden days
Princess Di is wearing a new dress

You can't change the world...

New Life
I stand still stepping on a shady street
And I watch that man to stranger
You think you'll only know me
When you turn on the light
Now the room is liquid red danger

Complicating, circulating
New life, new life
Operating, generating
New life, new life

Transitionto another place
So that time will pass more slowly
Your features fuse
And your shadow's red
Like a film I've seen now show me

The place is hidden and we're out of sight
And the road just leads nowhere
The stranger in the door Is the same as before
So the question answer's nowhere

I saw you in the picture
I saw you play the part
This ain't nodisco
There's a thousand watching you
And you take this too far
This ain't nodisco
Sometimes when I wonder
If you're taking a chance
This ain't nodisco
And you know how to dance

Move me disco
Baby don't you let go
This ain't nodisco

Part one, act one
Everyone pretend
This ain't nodisco
This is no story
And they're reaching the end
This ain't nodisco
Always make me happy
When you're taking a chance
This ain't nodico
And you know how to dance

Sitting target
Sitting waiting

Is full of surprises
It advertises

What am I trying to do
What am I trying to say
I'm not trying to tell you anything
You didn't know
When you woke up today

Sitting target
Sitting praying
God is saying

Knows the prospects
Learnt to expect

Now This Is Fun (Reason To Be)
Feel the seas
So vitalizes
It's talking to me
Loud and clearly
And as you see
There's something to say
Feel the clouds that are not essential
It is re-endless
Retries my patience
But neverless, is all I could say

We can see the
There will be so
We'll be ignorant
Or disobedient
And never say that

This is real fun
This is fun

One Caress
Well I'm down on my knees again
And I pray to the only one
Who has the strength
To bear the pain
To forgive all the things that I've done

Oh, Girl
Lead me into your darkness
When this world is trying it's hardest
To leave me unimpressed
Oh, just one caress from you
And I'm blessed

When you think you've tried every road
Every avenue
Take one more look
At what you found old
And in it you'll find something new

I'm shyning from the light
I always loved the night
And now you offer me eternal darkness

I have to belive that sin
Can make a better man
It's the mood that I'm in
That's left us back where we began

Peace will come to me
Peace will come to me

I'm leaving bitterness behind
This time I'm cleaning up my mind
There is no space for the regrets
I will remember to forget

Just look at me
I am walking of incoming
Look at the frequencies of which I vibrate
I'm going to light up the world

Peace will come to me
Peace will come to me

I'm leaving anger in the past
With all the shadows that it caused
There is radar in my heart
I should have trusted from the start

Just look at me
I am a living act of holiness
Giving all the positive virtues that I possess
I'm going to light up the world

Peace will come to me
Just wait and see
Peace will come to me
It's ment to be
Peace will come to me
Just wait and see
Peace will come to me
It's inevitability

People Are People
People are people so why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully

So we're different colours
And we're different creeds
And different people have different needs
It's obvious you hate me
Though I've done nothing wrong
I never even met you
So what could I have done

I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand

People are people so why should it be...

Help me understand
Help me understand

Now you're punching and you're kicking
And you're shouting at me
I'm relying on your common decency
So far it hasn't surfaced
But I'm sure it exists
It just takes a while to travel
From your head to your fist

I can't understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand

On another world by another star
At another place and time
In another state of consciousness
In another state of mind
Everything was almost perfect
Everything fell into place
That you may reach a different verdict
Before the judges missed the case

In a parallel universe that's happening right now
Things between us must be worse but it's hard to see just how

And everything could have been perfect
Everything in the right place
Then I wouldn't have to play the suspect
Accused, abandoned and disgraced

I didn't choose, I didn't pull the trigger
It wasn't me, I'm just a plain and simple singer
I heard the sound, I turned my head around
To watch our love shot down

In another lonely universe, we're laying side by side
No one's hurt and no one's cursed and no one needs to lie

And everything is almost perfect
Everything is almost right
There are never any conflicts
There are never any fights

Personal Jesus
Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who cares

Your own personal Jesus
Someone to hear your prayers
Someone who's there

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer

Take second best
Put me to the test
Things on your chest
You need to confess
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver

Reach out and touch faith
Reach out and touch faith

Your own personal Jesus...

Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
I'll make you a believer
I will deliver
You know I'm a forgiver

Reach out and touch faith
Your own personal Jesus...
Reach out and touch faith

Get out the crane
Construction time again
What is it this time
We're laying on a pipeline

Let the beads of sweat flow
Until the ends have met, though
It could take a long time
Working on a pipeline

Taking from the greedy, giving to the needy

On this golden day
Work's been sent our way
That could last a lifetime
Working on a pipeline

From the heart of the land
To the mouth of the man
Must reach him sometime
We're laying on a pipeline

Taking from the greedy, giving to the needy

Photographic (Photographic Pictures)
A white house, a white room
The program of today
Light's on, switch on
Your eyes are far away
The map represents you
And the tape is your voice
Follow all along you
Till you recognize the choice

I take pictures, photographic pictures
Bright light, dark room

I said I'd write a letter
But I newer got the time
And I'm looking to the day
I mesmerize at night
The years I spent just thinking
Of a moment we both knew
A second past like in empty room
It seems it can't be true

Bright light, dark room

Policy Of Truth
You had something to hide
Should have hidden it, shouldn't you
Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through
It's just time to pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth

Things could be so different now
It used to be so civilised
You will always wonder how
It could have been if you'd only lied
It's too late to change events
It's time to face the consequence
For delivering the proof
In the policy of truth

Never again
Is what you swore
The time before
Never again
Is what you swore
The time before

Now you're standing there tongue tied
You'd better learn your lesson well
Hide what you have to hide
And tell what you have to tell
You'll see your problems multiplied
If you continually decide
To faithfully pursue
The policy of truth

Never again...

Ooh that feeling, head is reeling
You think you're in control
But you don't know me, babe
I can move you, I can soothe you
I can take you places in a different way
And I don't think you understand
What I'm trying to say
I'll be your operator, baby
I'm in control

Watch your action, close reaction
And everything you're thinking, babe,
Inside your head
Conversation, my creation
Nothing that you do, you do unless I said
And you don't know the concequences
Of the things you say
I'll be your operator, baby
I'm in control

And all the things you try to do, babe
And all the words we said before
And only partof what I started, baby
And you can't stop me anymore

Walk with me
Open your sensitive mouth
And talk to me
Hold out your delicate hands
And feel me
Couldn't make any plans
To conceal me

Open your sensitive mouth
Hold out your delicate hands
With such a sensitive mouth
I'm easy to see through

When I come up
When I rush
I rush for you

Cry for you
Seen the tears
Roll down from my eyes for you
Heard my truth
Distorting to lies for you
Watched my love
Becoming a prize for you

Seen the tears in my eyes
Heard my truth turn to lies
Seen the tears in my eyes
I'm not proud of what I do

When I come up...

I come up to meet you
Up there somewhere
When I rush to greet you
My soul is bared

Gave more for you
Dropped my crutches
And crawled on the floor for you
Went looking behind every door for you
And because of the things
That I saw for you
I spiritually grew

When I come up...

To put it in words
To write it down
That is walking on hallowed ground
But it's my duty
I'm a missionary

So here is my confession
It's an obsession
I'm a firm believer
And a warm receiver
And I've made my decision
This is religion
There's no doubt
I'm one of the devout
Trying to sell the story
Of love's eternal glory


Spreading the news around the world
Taking the word to boys and girls
I'm a firm believer
And a warm receiver
And I will go down on my knees
When I see beauty
There's no doubt
I'm one of the devout
Trying to sell the story
Of love's eternal glory


To put it in words
To write it down
That is walking on hallowed ground

Now hear this my friends
I'll never be the same again
Gonna lock myself in a cold black room
Gonna shadow myself in a veil of gloom

I will function, operate
I will be a satellite of hate

Driven to this point by a chain of events
Each one pushed me nearer the edge
Gonna send my message through to you
And you'll receive the signal too

I will function, operate
I will be a satellite of hate


Disillusioned, I was disenchanted
Forgot the love that had been implanted
Heard the lies and I felt the cold
It broke my heart and I lost control

Now I'm a satellite of a free state
I'm a satellite of hate
A satellite of hate


See You
All I want to do is see you again
Is that too much to ask for?
I just want to see your sweet smile
Smiled the way it was before
Well I'll try not to hold you
And I'll try not to kiss you
And I won't even touch you

All I want to do is see you
Don't you know that it's true?

I remember the days when we'd walk through the woods
And sit on the bench for a while
I treasure the way we used to laugh and play
And look in each others eyes
You can keep me at a distance if you don't trust my resistance
But I swear I won't touch you

All I want to do is see you...

Well I know five years is a long time and that times changed
But I think that you will find people are basically the same

If the water's still flowing, we can go for a swim
And do the things we used to do
And if I'm reluctant you can pull me in
And we can relive our youth
Oh but we'll stay friendly like sister and brother
But I think I still love you

All I want to do is see you...

Do you ever get that feeling
When the guilt begins to hurt
Seeing all the children
Wallowing in dirt
Crying out with hunger
Crying out in pain
At least the dirt will wash off
When it starts to rain

Soap won't wash away your shame

Do you ever get that feeling
That something isn't right
Seeing your brother's fists
Clenched ready for the fight
Soon the fighting turns to weapons
And the weapons turn to wounds
So the doctors stitch and stitch and stitch
And stitch and stitch and stitch and stitch

Surgery won't improve your pain

It all seems so stupid
It makes me want to give up
But why should I give up
When it all seems so stupid

Do you ever get that feeling
That something can't be done
To eradicate these problems
And make the people one
Do you ever get that feeling
Something like a nagging itch
And all the while the doctors
Stitch and stitch and stitch
And stitch and stitch

Hope alone won't remove the stains

It all seems so stupid...

Put on your blindfold
And a dress that's tight
And come with me
On a mystery night
Open your eyes

Follow our stars under a painted sky
We'll leave the world behind
We're learning to fly
We used to get by

Forget the pictures on your TV screen
We'll steal the visions
That you keep for your dreams
You can turn me on

I was blind and I saw the light
My angel coming
In a brilliant white
Shine for me

You've been hanging from a rope of mediocrity
Strung up by your insecurities
You can shine for me
Somebody has to
Shine for me
It's difficult not to
Shine for me

Follow our stars under a painted sky
We'll leave the world behind
We're learning to fly
We used to get by

Forget the pictures on your TV screen
We'll steal the visions
That you keep for your dreams
You can turn me on

You've been hanging from a rope of mediocrity
Strung up by your insecurities
You can shine for me
Somebody has to
Shine for me
It's difficult not to
Shine for me
Somebody has to
Shine for me
It's difficult not to
Shine for me


Shouldn't Have Done That (Things Must Be)
Plans made in the nursery
Can change the course of history
Remember that

Mommy's annoyed
Says go and play
Don't show your face
Stay away all day
Shouldn't have done that

Small boy and his infantry
Marching around so naturally
Shouldn't have done that

Grows up and goes to school
Such a nice boy, obeys all the rules
Mummy's proud of that

Leaves school
To follow his ambition
Knows what he wants
To be a politician
Shouldn't have done that


Sister Of Night
Sister of night
When the hunger descends
And your body's a fire
An inferno that never ends
An eternal flame
That burns in desire's name

Sister of night
When the longing returns
Giving voice to the flame
Calling you through flesh that burns
Breaking down your will
To move in for the kill

Oh sister
Come for me
Embrace me
Assure me
Hey sister
I feel it too
Sweet sister
Just feel me
I'm trembling
You heal me
Hey sister
I feel it too

Sister of night
In your saddest dress
As you walk through the light
You're desperate to impress
So you slide to the floor
Feeling insecure

Sister of night
With the loneliest eyes
Tell youself it's alright
He'll make such a perfect prize
But the cold light of day
Will give the game away

Oh sister...

I want somebody to share
Share the rest of my life
Share my innermost thoughts
Know my intimate details
Someone who'll stand by my side
And give me support
And in return
She'll get my su

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Отправлено: 26/05/2009 19:18

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

16/05/2007 14:02
Из: Питер-Нарва
Сообщений: 0
Не в сети
Фигасе Ну спс, 4 февраля буду глотку драть, типа на подпевке

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 19:20
Жизнь нам даётся один раз, и её надо прожить так, чтобы там наверху АФИГЕЛИ и сказали : а ну-ка повтори!!! :)

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.

19/06/2005 13:52
Из: Narva
Сообщений: 0
Не в сети
Маша! А эта инфа для тебя концерт В Питере Милен Фармер 28.06.09

Ыыыыы...пойду искать свой цветик-семицветик...

А слова учите, учите, 6-го будете караоке петь

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 20:20
Все проходит. Пройдет и это.
ничто не проходит.

Re: Fan club Depeche Mode.
03/07/2006 20:12
Из: Нарва
Сообщений: 0
Не в сети
А слова учите, учите, 6-го будете караоке петь

однако список желающих, принять участие в акции 6 числа, может серьезно поредеть. Даешь тексты верки сердючки!

Отправлено: 26/05/2009 21:30

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